
Showing posts from November, 2017

Design Discussions: Class Identity in Hearthstone

Design Discussions: Class Identity in Hearthstone One of the main gripes I had with the last few expansions was the homogenization of class identity taking place, especially in Druid. As we all know, for about a month after the Frozen Throne, the ladder was infested with Druids. While people largely attributed this to Innervate, Wild Growth, and the ridiculous value of Ultimate Infestation, I don't believe any of these cards were very problematic. There was one card that completely blurred the lines between what classes are supposed to be able to do, which was Spreading Plague. Whereas ramp spells and big, splashy plays with lots of utility have been a part of Druid since classic (think pre-nerf Ancient of Lore and Force of Nature) the one surefire way to beat Druids was to go under them. Combo Druid was a busted deck since it had a ridiculous winrate against midrange and control, due to Druid's unique ability to ramp and its on-curve stats and car...

Mountain Dew Holiday Brew Tier List Update (November 2017)

Mountain Dew Holiday Brew Tier List Update (November 2017) Alright, here we go. Here was the previous Tier List of active Dew flavors as of October 2017 and the release of the Game Fuel flavors: Baja Blast and DEW-S-A hold strong in S tier and the new Game Fuel flavors for Middle Earth: Shadow of War make a strong showing at the bottom of tier 1 and the middle of tier 2 for Arctic Blast and Tropical Smash respectively. I never got to write a full review of either, so I'll start with those and try to explain their placement on the tier list. Arctic Blast : This blue colored Game Fuel is reminiscent of Voltage in both color and taste, but I give Voltage the slight edge. I've long since given up classifying any blue beverages as a particular fruit flavor, but the Arctic Blast seems like a blueberry to Voltage's blue raspberry. Both are more subtle and less sweet than the other fruit flavors which is why I'm a fan of both, but overall, Voltage strikes a better...

Greetings, Traveler

How's it going everyone. Sometimes I just have to write about something and here is where I plan to do it until I'm mediocre enough at actual web design to make my own website. Don't expect any coherent theme to these ramblings, but feel free to tell me what an idiot I am, I guess.