Design Discussions: Class Identity in Hearthstone
Design Discussions: Class Identity in Hearthstone One of the main gripes I had with the last few expansions was the homogenization of class identity taking place, especially in Druid. As we all know, for about a month after the Frozen Throne, the ladder was infested with Druids. While people largely attributed this to Innervate, Wild Growth, and the ridiculous value of Ultimate Infestation, I don't believe any of these cards were very problematic. There was one card that completely blurred the lines between what classes are supposed to be able to do, which was Spreading Plague. Whereas ramp spells and big, splashy plays with lots of utility have been a part of Druid since classic (think pre-nerf Ancient of Lore and Force of Nature) the one surefire way to beat Druids was to go under them. Combo Druid was a busted deck since it had a ridiculous winrate against midrange and control, due to Druid's unique ability to ramp and its on-curve stats and car...